Beautiful Weekend to Work

Shot the video for Skin & Bones yesterday morning on a Sunny Spring day. I decided to keep it simple and highlight some of the beauty of nature. I’m working with an awesome director, Maurice Wormely ( DJ REESE, as he is affectionately known )…This song highlights my softer side.

A special shout out to the Shutter Monkeys photographers  We had a beautiful photo session this week and I am beyond pleased with their work.... they made a sister look GOOD!  

This afternoon, I'll be in the studio putting the finishing touches on a face melting hair metal gospel track (Let that sink in, HAIR METAL GOSPEL... yes, that) called, Let’s Go!!!! Which is inspired by my regular tagline on Facebook…

This evening at 5, I'll be doing the Spring concert for Promised Land church. I'm really excited about that. I had these 3 nightmares last night. The first one was a spiritual attack on my home. The second was a spiritual attack on my children. The last one was a spiritual attack on me. ( I'm talking demons/zombies/evil spirits, the whole nine. I felt like I couldn't wake up. The thing is, I did not go through it feeling fear. I felt a boldness and proclaimed the name of Jesus. That broke every single attack. I must be doing something right that is bringing me closer to what God has for me....that's the way I look at it. I had some disappointments this week but all in all... I'm so glad that the path I'm on is not an easy one. If it were, I might not be on my toes and working so hard.


So Rock On!!!! Let’s Go!