That's a Wrap!

So the Skin & Bones video is in the can and now there's just the editing to do before the premiere. I am so excited and grateful to Maurice Wormley for all of his hard work and dedication to this project. We had some delays and obstacles but we know that our timetable is not what matters. God's timetable allows everything to happen exactly when it's supposed to. Our job is to just stick with it and see it done... For that, I am truly thankful. The video itself will take you through seasonal transitions that follow the meaning of the song itself. "I believe the Son(*sun) will rise, and light the darkened skies...." It is a truly optimistic and uplifting song for anyone who has ever endured tough times... the message is to never give up. I really hope it comes through in the footage.

The re-release is scheduled for March 25 of the Skin & Bones cd (complete with bonus tracks) and I'm planning to hold a local event to kick off with the premiere of the video. Detals on that will be on my social media sites as well as the home page soon. You can pre-order the music here:

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everyone who comes to the site, buys the music, comes to the shows...etc... You keep me inspired!!

Special shout outs to amazing people: Nicole Khoury (for her work with the Project iAm charity and her coordinating Acoustics for Autism events= You Rock Lady!!!) LaPala Crawford (for seeing his film making dream come to fruition with Love or Nothing at All... Next stop, the Oscars) The Rogers High School Lady Rams basketball team (heading to Columbus for the semi-finals of the Ohio State High School Athletic Association Girls Basketball Championship= Go Lady Rams) and to every single person out there pursuing dreams and making dreams come true!!!

Much Love,
