Weathering the Storm!!!

    This video for the song was put together by Bob Davenport.  I love that he did this today.  Having gone through many storms of life, watching Hurricane Sandy come up the East Coast of the US has been a bit surreal.  Both of my sons live in areas affected and damaged by the storm.  It brings into perspective what really matters.  The stuff of life will come and go.  the people who we love and care about are the important part.  Tell your loved ones how much they matter to you, while you can.  Everything else, Let it Be.  

In these times of so much division, selfishness, wars, distress, conflict, and a seeming loss of compassion for our fellow man... let us all come together and support those in need and be more caring for one another.... no matter what our differences, we are all a part of the larger human family and that truly matters.  Each life matters!!!



Much Love, 

