Today is gonna be another awesome one. I love the beautiful sunny weather we have been having. I am of the opinion that life is perfect @ 85 and sunny. I am going to the studio to lay down more tracks. This project is coming along smoothly and I am pleasantly surprised by how DIFFERENT it sounds from anything I have done before. This new music will defy being put into any one category and I think it will reach the masses because there is something for everyone. We have thrown out the rulebook and instead of playing to a demographic, we are just making honest great music. Live musicians infuse personality and life into the songs and I get to really explore more power in my vocals. I am so excited about this because I believe in it so much. I feel like the music will stand the test of time and 20 years from now it will still be somebody's favorite. I am working really hard to make sure I deliver real music. It is a blessing to be able to do what I do and I truly do not take for granted the fact that God allows me to have a voice. I am humbled by the knowledge that there are people who want to hear me sing at all. I feel a responsibility to that. So, I hope people open their hearts and minds to embrace some real heartfelt organic music with a message. My heart swells when I am in the studio. I get to lay bare my emotions and share. I am in meditation a lot to get to the lyrics. I am convinced that prayer opens a channel of creativity for me. So when everything around me feels chaotic, I can focus in and let it flow. So far, the results have been phenomenal. I wish I could leak material. Then again, I want you to be surprised. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. Just understand, once you turn this corner with me....there is no turning back. Every step in this walk is forward. I know that I will never sound the same after this.


In the meantime, please join my youtube page.


Mind you....Judgment Day is a sample....and it just gets better and better.



Much Love,

