Writing My Way Through It

I find that writing lyrics helps me when I am facing obstacles. It helps me stay focused and positive. I am working with some amazing musicians who are providing a beautiful canvass for my ideas. With the Skin and Bones CD, this is the first time I have ever collaborated to the point where others have written songs for me to sing. Bob Davenport has come up with some of the most inspiring and uplifting stuff I have ever heard. Just to keep up, I have had to dig deep and get honest about sharing what I am going through in order to write from a place that I hope touches people in a real and genuine way. This song is especially close to my heart because it speaks to what I am truly feeling.


CALL (lyrics- Carmen Miller, music- Matt Schmidt, producer-Bob Davenport)


Sitting in the darkness

Life passing me by

Like a little bit of smoke

Fogging up my mind

Sorrow and goodbye left me empty

But I believe there's more for me


Straight form above

The heart my soul belongs to

When I'm midnight weak

He'll be there before the night is through


All you gotta do is call


If nothing else I can say

I have no regrets

If it wasn't for the bad times

We never would have met

I'm in a new love

Love my soul can lean on

Sent from above

More than enough for me


Lights up my life in such amazing ways

Like nothing else before

All that I can say


All you gotta do is call


I don't worry what the night brings

I'm not scared of the little things

I don't sweat the small stuff

Loving Him is enough.


All you gotta do is call.


(CM 2012)


I cannot wait for you to hear it. I hope these words encourage each and every one of you.


Much Love,

